oil change zzr600
1990 to 1993 kawasaki zzr600-d specs and info….. october 14, 2010 whitedogbikes 71 comments. oil change interval: every 10,000 km (6214 miles) or 12 months. I also ran mobile 1 in my zzr 600 and the clutch started slipping pretty bad. it was automotive oil and is definatly not for bikes. i'd run conventional oil in the. Hi again, thankyou both for the tip on the choice of oil. i will try motul on the next oil change. my gear change is currently anything but smooth so i look forward.

Changing the oil and filter on a 2006 kawasaki ninja 250 or zzr250.. Welcome to zzrbikes.com, your home on the web for kawasaki zzr, zx, and concours sport bikes! if this is your first visit, be sure to check out the faq by clicking. Kawasaki zx636 05-06 motorcycle oil change yasmo10. subscribe subscribed unsubscribe 41 41. loading zzr600 carb balancing explained. - duration: 8:44..
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